Here, I’d like to give you an overview on what the media have had to say on e[ ]-learning by kirsten reichelt.
Additionally, you will find recordings here of interviews I have given.
Last but not least, this section also contains the articles I have published myself.
In October 2019, I was contacted by Dr. Christine Tovar, who was researching “instructional designer” as an occupational profile for a planned article.
The feature was published in February 2020 in the DUZ (Deutsche Universitätszeitung) and can be accessed here (German language).
As might be expected, my Second Life® seminar at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf aroused particular interest in the media: Both the Rheinische Post and the NRZ published detailed articles about the project, while it was mentioned in the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Deutschlandfunk as an example for the expansion of the educational sector and the acitivies of German universities and colleges in Second Life®.
In September 2007, my report containing information on structure and goals of the seminar was published by Check.point eLearning.
In February 2008, I was invited by Antenne Düsseldorf to talk about my experiences with the project:
Finally, here’s a further recording of an interview on this seminar; it was conducted by a member of the e-learning graduate program of the TU Darmstadt in July 2007: